Gundam Seed 20th Anniversary MS Set (Metallic)
The 20th Anniversary Gundam SEED MS Set Metallic Color is a special limited-edition collection celebrating two decades of the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED series. This set includes iconic mobile suits from the series, including a Real Grade Freedom Gundam, Real Grade Justice Gundam and High Grade Providence Gundam; all finished in striking metallic colors that enhance their appearance with a glossy reflective finish. The metallic coating adds a premium feel to the models, giving them a vibrant and eye-catching look that highlights the detailed armor and intricate features of each mobile suit.
Designed for collectors and fans, the set combines the high-quality build of Bandai's Real Grade and High Grade kits with the added appeal of the metallic finish. Each model in the set is meticulously crafted, offering excellent articulation, detailed accessories, and a satisfying build experience. This 20th Anniversary Gundam SEED MS Set Metallic Color serves as a perfect tribute to the franchise’s legacy, providing a visually stunning and collectible set for fans of the series to enjoy and display.